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Check vehicle history with Vin-code search

Finding out the usage history of a used car helps you to avoid many unpleasant surprises.

Order this report before buying a used car

Get full usage history of a used car in comprehensive VIN history report. We dare say that this is the best report on the market and that's why we give orders money back guarantee.

Odometer fraud and crash history

This report often reveals odometer frauds and previous crashes. Historical data is collected from all available databases in Europe, North America and manufacturers' mainframes.

What's in the report?

  • Content of the report
  • Sample report
  • VIN-code

    How to find VIN-code?
    If you do not know the VIN code, select phonecall to seller below and leave the number blank
    15.99 EUR
    Including VAT

    Customer information and additional services

    Tell us which car you are interested in. Copy the link to the car sale announcement (Need help)

    Vehicle location:

    +19.99 EUR

    • A local professional car buying agent will call the seller.
    • Agent will speak the local language and this way often gets more information from the seller.
    • You will receive a short English report of the information received during the phone call.
    • Agent will ask about the current condition and about the known history of the car

    + 0.00 EUR

    • By selecting this FREE option, you will receive an offer of inspecting and making a remote deal of this car through InspectWise®.
    • If all looks good on our VIN history report you might want to continue to buy this car.
    • By buying the car through InspectWise® your deal is completely secured and insured.
    • Our professional will go to the seller’s location and send you comprehensive inspection report with lots of photos.